Our Facebook Outreach Plan is uniquely designed to reach the non-Christian Scientist living within driving distance of your branch church or society.
Many of you may recall how our Reading Rooms have lovely large windows facing their community which display our Dual Pastor – each book open to a quote from that weeks’ Bible Lesson. That is my primary vision for outreach to the non-Scientist via Social Media. Most of our posts contain a quote from each book from the Lesson-Sermon for that week, providing a gentle, helpful introduction to the Comforter.
Another way to think of Facebook outreach is that it is a 24×7 online-version of your group’s Reading Room / Usher activity – it’s being out in the community and making yourself present and available to answer the same questions Reading Room attendants and ushers are asked when guests come.
The dialog I have with people below is no different from the loving exchanges and chats I’ve had with visitors in the Reading Room when I was the attendant on duty.
What this activity is not is a venue for public debate (The Manual of The Mother Church, Article X, Section 1).
How successful are we? Check it out below…just a sampling of the great comments we get from folks around the world: