Outreach/Facebook Fruitage

Our Facebook Outreach Plan is uniquely designed to reach the non-Christian Scientist living within driving distance of your branch church or society.


Many of you may recall how our Reading Rooms have lovely large windows facing their community which display our Dual Pastor – each book open to a quote from that weeks’ Bible Lesson.  That is my primary vision for outreach to the non-Scientist via Social Media. Most of our posts contain a quote from each book from the Lesson-Sermon for that week, providing a gentle, helpful introduction to the Comforter.



Another way to think of Facebook outreach is that it is a 24×7 online-version of your group’s Reading Room / Usher activity – it’s being out in the community and making yourself present and available to answer the same questions Reading Room attendants and ushers are asked when guests come.


The dialog I have with people below is no different from the loving exchanges and chats I’ve had with visitors in the Reading Room when I was the attendant on duty.


What this activity is not is a venue for public debate (The Manual of The Mother Church, Article X, Section 1).


How successful are we?  Check it out below…just a sampling of the great comments we get from folks around the world:



First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbus, OH

[June, 2024]


This Church received a very sweet comment about a Bible verse from a non-Scientist living within their field of labor, and already following their FB page.


I informed the branch church of the comment and suggested that they respond directly to her comment with a personal account and invite her to Church this Sunday and to ask for someone by name for a tour of church, to sit with her during the service, and to answer any questions she might have.


This is what outreach is all about!

Christian Science Albany, OR

[April, 2024]


What an amazing comment this woman has taken the time to make to us!


This is deeply touching to me.  This woman is expressing gratitude for the peace and inspiration which this Church is sharing with her and the community in a world greatly needing it.


How amazing is that?!

Christian Science Albany, OR

[March, 2024]


The comment this woman made about this post is one of the most amazing things.


If you consider deeply how profound this is – this is likely a person who, without this church’s outreach on FB, might have never heard of MBE.  But now, because of this important outreach, she is learning more about God – as she herself admits – through the Comforter.


How amazing is that?!

Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Washington DC

[March, 2024]


This branch church’s Facebook page regularly receives many positive comments on the inspiring posts.


This particular individual has made many comments in support of many posts, but I thought this one was very touching.


Comments like this show how a church’s social media outreach can connect with folks in your field of labor.  Imagine the impact Christian Science is having in the lives of folks previously unfamiliar with Christian Science.

‘Amen’ for Mary Baker Eddy and quotes from Science and Health

[Throughout 2024]


It’s always heartening to me to see when folks take the time to type Amen to one of Mrs. Eddy’s quotes from Science and Health.


They are saying Amen to The Comforter!  Think about that – most likely it’s their first introduction Christian Science.

Christian Science North Texas

[February, 2024]


This group’s Facebook page received a comment of love for the ‘thoughts by Mary Baker Eddy’.  She is unknown to the Scientists in this area, so is one of the many non-Scientists being reached by this outreach program.

This is likely the tip of the iceberg – where Mary had the time and inclination to type a Thank You to this group for the daily posts…but I suspect there are many, many more becoming familiar with Mary Baker Eddy, the Comforter, and Christian Science is this loving and regular and gentle outreach method.



See below for my response as well.  I invited my contact with that church (if the angels whisper it) to feel free to invite Pat to the service and that she can ask for you by name and that you’ll give her a tour of the church and sit with her so she won’t feel alone at the service.  This is how we woo the weary wanderers!  😊  And some people are shy to come alone and sit alone.


When you think about what Pat is saying – she’s saying that Mrs. Eddy and S&H is ‘uplifting’!!  She’s learning to equate Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy / Science and Health with ‘uplifting thoughts’.  What a wonderful thing!

Christian Science Sacramento

[November, 2023]


This group’s FB page received a message of gratitude for a podcast post.  Imagine all those who this post reached who also listened to the podcast, but didn’t comment!


This is a great example of ‘giving a cup of cold water’!

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater

[October, 2023]


This Church had someone (who they didn’t know) within their field of labor reach out through one of their daily inspirational posts to their Facebook page to express gratitude for the daily posts.


See below for my response as well.  I invited my contact with that church (if the angels whisper it) to feel free to invite Pat to the service and that she can ask for you by name and that you’ll give her a tour of the church and sit with her so she won’t feel alone at the service.  This is how we woo the weary wanderers!  😊  And some people are shy to come alone and sit alone.


When you think about what Pat is saying – she’s saying that Mrs. Eddy and S&H is ‘uplifting’!!  She’s learning to equate Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy / Science and Health with ‘uplifting thoughts’.  What a wonderful thing!

Christian Science of Sacramento

[August, 2023]


This group had someone in their field of labor reach out through Facebook Messenger to see if someone was available to chat.  I responded for the group, and notified them immediately to see if they wanted to reply as someone who lives a bit closer.

It’s wonderful to see this online 24/7 Reading Room outreach in action!  Connecting non-Scientists to their local Christian Science communities.

Christian Science Kalamazoo

[August, 2023]


This branch church had a couple reach out to them through Facebook Messenger.  They want to talk to someone and learn more about Christian Science.

I contacted that branch church and let them know about this discussion and invited them to comment and inform the Thursday RR Librarian that someone may be coming in to learn more about CS.

Facebook outreach is like having a 24-7 Reading Room.

Christian Science of Sacramento

[June, 2023]


The comment from a Facebook follower says it all!  It’s wonderful (and happens more frequently than we have time to show here) how often folks reach back out to us and thank us for sharing the inspirational quotes.  Remember that we estimate way over 90% of the followers of these pages to be non-Christian Scientists living within each church’s field of labor.


And remember – he’s saying that about a quote from the Bible as well as from Science and Health!

Christian Science Georgia

[January, 2023]


The Georgia Joint Media group has a statewide Facebook page where every day in my post (the content of the posts coming almost always from that week’s Christian Science Bible Lesson), I comment that it comes from our weekly Bible Lesson and ask folks to let us know if they want to access to read the full Bible Lesson for this week.


A man reached out to us through the GA Facebook page asking for access to that week’s Bible Lesson.  I personally subscribe, so I sent him a one-time gift for that week.  I also invited him to come into any local CS Reading Room for access to the Bible Lesson weekly.


He thanked me and asked me if he could read it every week. I wrote back that this was a one-time gift from me, personally.  But I let him know that he can subscribe directly from the Christian Science Publishing Society and gave him the link to do so.


I thought that would be the end of it (and it was wonderful just to go that far!), but he wrote us back 3 months later that he was now subscribing to the Christian Science Bible Lesson!


Think about what this means – a non-CS found our daily posts on FB and after reading them for some time because interested enough in CS to study it for himself!!


This is just what social media outreach is all about!

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Rehoboth Beach

[September, 2022]


Knowing that we are ready to respond to even one person who has taken the time to type out – even a negative comment – and do so lovingly, is good.  And they know we a) responded, and b) we kind and respectful.


If that’s one less person in this branch church’s field of labor with a less negative view of Christian Science, then that’s something!


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

Christian Science Indy

[November, 2022]


This ad campaign I ran for the Church received a wonderful question from someone in their community. I responded within a couple of hours.


We stand at the ready to respond to any question, as long as it’s respectful.


And the result is that there’s one less person in this branch church’s field of labor with a less negative view of Christian Science.  Talk about a ‘cup of cold water’! (S&H p. 570:16-18)


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

Christian Science of Sacramento

[September, 2022]


This recent lecture campaign circulated wide and received a lot of comments!  Here’s one.


Knowing that we are ready to respond to even one person who has taken the time to type out – even a negative comment – and do so lovingly, is good.  And they know we a) responded, and b) we kind and respectful.


If that’s one less person in this branch church’s field of labor with a less negative view of Christian Science, then that’s something!


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

Christian Science Society, Apopka, FL

[September, 2022]


Knowing that we are ready to respond to even one person who has taken the time to type out – even a negative comment – and do so lovingly, is good.  And they know we a) responded, and b) we kind and respectful.


If that’s one less person in this branch church’s field of labor with a less negative view of Christian Science, then that’s something!


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, New Braunfels, TX

[September, 2022]


Knowing that we are ready to respond to even one person who has taken the time to type out – even a negative comment – and do so lovingly, is good.  And they know we a) responded, and b) we kind and respectful.


If that’s one less person in this branch church’s field of labor with a less negative view of Christian Science, then that’s something!


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Pleasant Hill, CA

[July, 2022]


Knowing that we are ready to respond to even one person who has taken the time to type out – even a negative comment – and do so lovingly, is good.  And they know we a) responded, and b) we kind and respectful.


If that’s one less person in this branch church’s field of labor with a less negative view of Christian Science, then that’s something!


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Guilford, CT

[June, 2022]


Our Christian Science Lecture ad campaigns always see great engagement with the folks in the community.  And we respond lovingly to each one.


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbia, SC

[June, 2022]


Sometimes, it’s just nice knowing that we can help a single person understand Christian Science better.


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

Christian Science Illinois

[June, 2022]


Sometimes, it’s just nice knowing that we can help a single person understand Christian Science better.


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbia SC

[June, 2022]


Sometimes, it’s just nice knowing that we can help a single person understand Christian Science better.


And others with the same question can now see the response on record.


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

Christian Science Society, Rehoboth Beach

[May, 2022]


This Church’s Facebook page received a comment on an ad asking what a ‘scientist church’ was – and an answer was provided.  What’s remarkable is how two other folks saw the response and ‘loved’ and ‘hugged’ it!  One of them even took time to comment her approval.


There are now three less folks in their community who are better acquainted – and feel positive about – Christian Science!


This is what Facebook outreach through GSO is all about.


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Atlanta

[May, 2022]


This Church’s Facebook page yesterday received a comment on a post from last week.  The comment was so touching and expressed such gratitude for having found their page and the posts they’re sharing with their community (through Glad Sound Outreach!).  She’s also grateful for the effort in keeping the page updated and content flowing regularly.


It’s wonderful to see these pages GSO manages reaching deeply into their community and giving that ‘cup of cold water’ where it’s needed. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 570:16-18)


Remember, too, that for every person that takes the time to comment, typically there are many, many more who feel the same way, but don’t/can’t take time to comment.


This is what having outreach to the non-Scientist in your community is all about!

Christian Science Woking

[April, 2022]


This Church’s Facebook page received a heartfelt expression of gratitude to God…ad comment made on one of their daily posts.


It’s touching that she is seeing this page as a way and a place to express her gratitude to Divine Love.


This is another reason why it’s important to have a page on this most popular of social media outlets – so your church can be discovered, reached, and connected with – and even provide a place to express gratitude to God.


What a great way to connect with the folks in their community!  This is effective outreach in this generation.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Fayetteville

[April, 2022]


This Church’s Facebook page received a huge Thank You from a non-Scientist  living within their field of labor and following their page. This person is not known to the members.


I recommended to them to respond personally to her comment (using their personal FB account) and invite her to the upcoming Wednesday service and add, “My name is __ – ask for me this Wednesday and I’ll give you a tour of the church and try to answer any questions you have.”


This is another reason why it’s important to have a page on this most popular of social media outlets – so your church can be discovered, reached, and connected with.

What a great way to connect with the folks in their community!  This is effective outreach in this generation.

Christian Science Texas

[February, 2022]


This group’s Facebook page each day gets a post sharing a quote from that week’s Bible Lesson-Sermon and inviting folks to contact the church for access to read the full Lesson.


This group received a message from a woman asking for access to the Bible Lesson.  She is not known to the group, and so it’s highly likely that she is a non-Christian Scientist reading her first Christian Science Bible Lesson!!


This is another reason why it’s important to have a page on this most popular of social media outlets – so your church can be discovered, reached, and connected with.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Macon

[February, 2022]


This church’s Facebook page received a message from a young man moving to Macon asking for information about the church and asking for someone to reach out to him.


Facebook is how many young people find a Church in their area.


He was connected to someone from the Macon Church and he has been attending regularly for several months now.


This is another reason why it’s important to have a page on this most popular of social media outlets – so your church can be discovered, reached, and connected with.

Christian Science Society of Bemidji

[December, 2021]


This Society’s page received a personal message inquiring about the theology of Christian Science – asking if we were related to Scientology.


See the question and response below.  This outreach to the non-Christian Scientist is a key facet in an overall outreach plan.  From keeping up a building and the lights and heat on, to having a clearly readable sign, to helping members and the existing Scientist, to reaching the non-Scientist living within your field of labor.  This last item is what this special kind of Facebook outreach is all about.


Another example of how this type of outreach is giving that ‘cup of cold water’  to those who are grateful to receive it – and who are learning more about the Comforter every day. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, 570: 16-18).

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbia, SC

[October, 2021]

This group received a loving expression of gratitude from one of the individuals following their Church’s Facebook page.  Someone they don’t know, who is likely a non-Christian Scientist living within their field of labor.


“Soo Thoughtful and Kind of YOU… Beautiful Picture That God Painted ALSO”


Another example of how this type of outreach is giving that ‘cup of cold water’  to those who are grateful to receive it – and who are learning more about the Comforter every day. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, 570: 16-18).


This is what outreach to the non-Christian Scientist is all about!

Christian Science North Texas

[September, 2021]

This group received a loving expression of gratitude from one of their non-Christian Science followers living within their field of labor.


“Amen thanks I needed that so much today”


Another example of how this type of outreach is giving that ‘cup of cold water’  to those who are grateful to receive it – and who are learning more about the Comforter every day. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, 570: 16-18).


This is what outreach to the non-Christian Scientist is all about!

Christian Science of Georgia

[September, 2021]

This group’s post for this day – an article which came from the Christian Science Sentinel – received a grateful response from a follower:


“Thank you for sharing, it’s helpful”


It shouldn’t be surprising to see a thirsty public respond to a ‘cup of cold water’ (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, 570: 16-18).


This is what outreach to the non-Christian Scientist is all about!

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Edwardsville

[August, 2021]

[The below is excerpted from the email I sent this Church about the communication with Zechariah.]


Dear [], Your Church’s Facebook page has just received a question, and I responded.


Over the years, I find a longer response to have a much more positive reception than shorter, more curt or simplistic responses.


It’s been interesting to see the overwhelming interest in Christian Science (through the 60 or so CS websites and FB pages I manage) in these last few months.  Many are interested for the first time in church attendance, our theology, and membership in a branch church – as a result of the continuing covid situation.  So what you’re seeing below from Zechariah is being played out right now across the US and weekly.


If the angels whisper it to you, [], feel free to find the original post (November of last year!) and with your personal FB account invite him to come to the RR and/or the services and ask for you by name for a tour and to answer any questions he has.  As it occurs to me, he may have taken some time to read all of your posts and liked enough of what he read to inquire – once he reached November of last year.  That’s incredible!


This is outreach in the 21st Century!!  Giving a cup of cold water – over Facebook.


This is what outreach to the non-Christian Scientist is all about!

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Roswell

[August, 2021]

[The below is excerpted from the email I sent this Church about the communication with Mihalcea.]


Dear [],


Feel free to share this email with your members.


Your church’s Facebook page today received a question to which I responded.  Most interestingly, it came from someone who’s been following your church’s page and made their comment on a post from the 26th which talks about healing.  Many other comments I get on other church’s pages come from an ad campaign.  This means she’s/he’s been reading about our theology each day and is interested enough to inquire.


What a wonderful thing Facebook outreach is!  And that we can be ready to respond when questions come in.


If the angels whisper it to you, feel free to find the post (it was on August 26th) and respond to her/his comment with your personal FB account and personally invite her/him to church.  I like to tell them to ask for me by name and I’ll give them a tour of the building and answer any questions they have.


This is outreach in the 21st Century!!  Giving a cup of cold water – over Facebook.


This is what outreach to the non-Christian Scientist is all about!

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Woking UK

[August, 2021]

Morning Kimberley,
Many thanks for all you are doing, not just for Woking Church but the whole CS movement and the World. A movement needs to MOVE and you are certainly helping it move in the right direction.

All the best.

This is what outreach to the non-Scientist is all about!

Christian Science North Texas

[August, 2021]

A lovely expression of gratitude for the inspiration gained from following this group’s page and seeing their daily inspirational posts introducing non-Scientists to the Comforter.

This is what outreach to the non-Scientist is all about!

From a client church in California about a website I designed for them…

[August, 2021]

I thought you would like to know that we had two different groups of three new visitors to our church this morning who had never been to a CS church before. The group I talked with the most made it clear that they had studied our website and came because of what they found there. So, thank you. The one gal stated they were looking to find people who weren’t “full of fear”.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know and thank you for your wonderful work.


This is what outreach is all about!

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[July, 2021]

This Church’s Facebook page was asked a theological question about our beliefs, and he was answered.


He approved the response!  This is a great example of incorrect impositions in thought about Christian Science are being patiently and lovingly corrected.


It was observed and remarked that I didn’t properly source our Dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, as the source of our Tenets in my response.  I work very hard to always attribute the source of my quotes.  While I don’t recall this particular day, I often take my inspiration from ChristianScience.com.  It may be that I didn’t at that time as a nod to how The Mother Church handles the Tenets – more impersonally.  On ChristianScience.com – on the page dedicated to the Tenets of Christian Science, they only attribute a quote from our Dear Leader which precedes the Tenets – they don’t directly quote her as the source for the Tenets themselves:  https://www.christianscience.com/what-is-christian-science/beliefs-and-teachings


This is what outreach is all about!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Illinois

[July, 2021]

This group’s Facebook page just received a lovely expression of gratitude for this page and the posts – but also he was reaching out for help. I gave him free links to JSH articles which can help him.

See below.

It’s wonderful to see this group’s outreach connecting with those who are seeking healing in their community – and connecting them with the Comforter! And it’s also heartening to see the expression of gratitude for the posts he sees on this page and for ‘posting God’s word’.

This is what Facebook outreach is all about – giving a ‘cup of cold water in Christ’s name’ (MBE).

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbia, SC

[May, 2021]

This church’s Facebook page yesterday received some deep gratitude from what appears to be living in India.  I’m not sure how he found this church’s page, but he appears to like what he’s learning about Christian Science from their page.

I shared this with my contact with this church so they can respond personally to him.

This is what Facebook outreach is all about – giving a ‘cup of cold water in Christ’s name’ (MBE).

THIS is outreach in 2021!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Idaho

[April, 2021] A man reached out to the CS Idaho group’s Facebook page to say how appealing Christian Science is to him and that he believes in God and not the medical complex.  I sent this to the group and asked them to consider responding to him personally and inviting him to the next/nearest church service.

THIS is outreach in 2021!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[March, 2021] A man reached out to the Wichita church’s Facebook page asking about Christian Science and our beliefs.  He liked and approved our answer.  Another imposition lifted!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[March, 2021] A woman reached out to the Wichita church through their active Facebook page, asking about Christian Science. She was responded lovingly, and invited to the service tonight.

Note: the typo about our church’s name was corrected!  🙂

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Society, Beaufort

[November, 2020] This church’s Facebook page received a private message from someone in their field of labor seeking comfort (the ‘Comforter’). He began by expressing gratitude for this church outreach through their Facebook page.

I was at church at the time running the Wednesday evening Zoom console when these messages came in. Even though my responses were shorter than usual, I listened to Divine Love for what this man needed to hear.

He expressed thanks for the comments.

Facebook gives our churches an amazing opportunity to connect deeply with individuals in our community – respond quickly, and help.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Jacksonville

[November, 2020] This church’s Facebook page received a question from someone in their community asking why we employ the word ‘science’ in the name of our denomination. That’s one of our favorite questions!

We answered it and look at his gratitude for the response!  He even accepts our invitation to come by [the local church] and say Hi.  This is one less person living with this church’s field of labor with an incorrect view of Christian Science.

This is what Christian Science social media outreach is all about.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Atlanta

[September, 2020] This church’s Facebook page received an inquiry from someone. We weren’t able to determine which country they were currently in, but gave them some information to start, and asked for where they currently are living to provide them more information, if needed.

We’re reminded of the eunuch from Ethiopa and how under order from God, Phillip *ran* to meet him and tell him the Good News about Christ Jesus!

This is what Christian Science social media outreach is all about.


This is what Facebook outreach is all about.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Society, Beaufort

[August, 2020] This church’s Facebook page received a wonderful question from a woman living within their field of labor. We responded to her right away with comforting words and reassurance from The Bible.  We immediately emailed this church’s contact and suggested that if he felt led by the angels, that he might rech out to her (using his personal Facebook account, and as someone living locally) and invite her to the upcoming service.  She was so touched by our response!

This is what Facebook outreach is all about.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science in Greater St. Louis

[July, 2020] This group’s Facebook ad campaign received a comment, was responded to, and then they replied with a most remarkable reply.  It’s remarkable because he is just one more person in their field of labor who isn’t confused about Christian Science!  And the rest of the explanation I wrote included what Christian Science *is* (as well as what it isn’t), which may just be something he may recall and find comfort in during an hour of need.


This is what Facebook outreach is all about.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science in Greater St. Louis

[July, 2020]  This group’s Facebook page received comments from two women clearly curious about the teachings of Christian Science.  While the response of the 2nd woman seems a bit confused, this is the exact type of discussion which invites me to clear up our beliefs, and possibly make inroads to someone who might be hoping for that ‘cup of cold water’ in Christ’s name.

Local members were invited to have someone personally invite them to a local service (if they are holding then in-person yet) to learn more – or just to let the ladies know that there are available locally to answer any more questions.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater

[June, 2020] Are you looking for PROOF POSITIVE that this kind of outreach is effective?  Look at the response this church received from someone in their field of labor who read our response to someone else’s comment confusing us with Scientology.
13 weeks after the original comment and response, she is led to this discussion as well as our clarification.  Read her remarkable remarks in the red circle…

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Atlanta

[June, 2020] This woman commented on this branch church’s Facebook page with a most remarkable attribution to Mary Baker Eddy – remembering something which she must have read from Science and Health. Our response clarified it.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater

[June, 2020] This church’s Facebook page this morning received a comment, and it was lovingly responded to.  The woman clearly confused Christian Science with the church of Scientology, and now she won’t anymore.  In fact, look what she wrote to this church after we responded!  What a blessing it is to be able to enlighten these Dear Ones within their field of labor!  And to get the chance to explain to her what Christian Science is – well you just never know what kind of blessing this will bring as she moves forward in her experience…

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater

[June, 2020] This church’s Facebook page received a question from someone in their community, and it was responded to. What a blessing it is to have this quick and wide-ranging method of outreach into that hungry community!  And what a wonderful ability we have to respond to questions which may reflect the current social upheaval we see in our world right now.

And we know that the only thing which can calm ‘earth’s troubled, angry sea’ (Hymn 254:4) – is God ‘and His Christ, as expressed an operative in Christian Science’ (Misc 177:5). Once their services resume, we will invite her to their services.

I’m so grateful for the response which this method of outreach is having!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Jacksonville

[June, 2020] This church’s Facebook page had someone reach out to them with a sad comment, likely the result of hearing about all the upheaval and rioting and destruction going on in the US (5/30, 5/31, 6/1) and being whipped up by the press; and his comment was swiftly and lovingly responded to.

Facebook outreach is active and circulating in their community 24×7 drawing in those who are searching for the Comforter. And we can respond quickly through Facebook to things and news items which are resonating with and affecting those within our individual fields of labor.  What a blessing!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[May, 2020] This church’s Facebook page had someone reach out to them with the most DEAR comment.  We responded.  This is what makes Facebook a clear favorite in a church’s pantheon of effective and Christian outreach.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[May, 2020] This church’s Facebook page had someone reach out to them explaining that they want a better understanding and that they believe in Mrs. Eddy’s love for God. Perhaps this is someone who fell away. I sent notice to this church, and they are reaching out to her personally.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Jacksonville

[March, 2020] This church’s Facebook ad campaign received a message from someone in their field of labor asking for help about homelessness.  Of course, we attempted to meet her practical need with a link to State and local resources. We also helped her with links to some inspiring articles on homelessness, as well as a poem from our Hymnal.  You can see from her response that she was grateful for the information.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater

[March, 2020] This church’s Facebook ad campaign received a comment from someone in their community clearly confused about Christian Science.  Read our response and her follow-up!

It’s heartening to see how our patient, loving outreach is removing burdens of confusion in our communities.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science North Texas

[March, 2020] This group’s Facebook page received a comment from one of their ad campaigns which has as a tagline, “Like our Facebook page and receive your daily Bible-based inspiration.”  Read her comment and our response.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science in Greater St. Louis

[March, 2020] This group’s Facebook page received three questions about Christian Science theology. I couldn’t recall offhand if Mrs. Eddy every used the exact phrase, ‘Holy Spirit’, but after some quick Concord work was able to confirm that she indeed did!  Thanks, Concord!  🙂

She was also invited to an upcoming church service.

It’s heartening to see this group’s outreach to their St. Louis community – and the gentle and loving introduction we’re making to them about Christian Science.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist Washington DC

[March, 2020] This church’s Facebook page received a question about their name, and we responded.

It’s wonderful to know that we this church’s outreach to their community is helping individuals get a clearer understanding of the Church of Christ, Scientist.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science South Carolina

[February, 2020] This joint media group for South Carolina received comments resulting from a post about how Jesus taught us to pray. Two women took the time to give thanks for this post.

This is a great example of wonderful fruitage from their statewide outreach.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science South Carolina

[February, 2020] This joint media group for South Carolina received a negative comment from someone clearly confused about Christian Science. I responded to him.  What’s incredible (and wonderful to see over and over again) is that he came back three days later and Liked my response so much that he clicked Thumbs Up!

This is a big deal!  It means that we helped one person in the community to see more clearly what Christian Science is. It means that there’s one less person burdened with a misunderstanding of Christian Science.

This is a great example of why this kind of patient, consistent, 24×7 responsive outreach is so important.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Society, Valdosta

[February, 2020] This gentleman in Valdosta saw our Valentine’s Day post just, and requested to read it in Spanish. I translated it for him and then asked if he’d like to have the Bible and Science and Health in Spanish and provided him the links to TMC’s online store – the Spanish editions. He’s already expressed Thank You twice for the information.

This Facebook outreach that the Joint Media Committee has established for each church in Georgia’s field of labor, but with everyone across the state – through the 16 Facebook pages it maintains – is a 24/7 open door outreach to the community. And it’s so important! It’s a place where people each week reach out with questions or comments or requests, like Mr. Martinez below – and they are lovingly addressed or answered.

This steady, quiet, un-pushy outreach to the non-Scientists is blessing the community. Every week people express gratitude for not only the pictures, but the texts and the healing articles.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science South Carolina

[February, 2020] Two expressions of gratitude from one post. It’s wonderful that they are active in and responding to the ‘hungering hearts’ in their community – and if some are taking the time to express appreciation, that is a good indication that many more are appreciating the inspiring posts, but may not take the time to say so.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Decatur, IL

[January, 2020] This church’s Facebook page received a comment from someone in their field of labor saying that they hope to stop by at the upcoming Wednesday service.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Washington DC

[January, 2020] This church’s Facebook page received a negative comment from someone in their community. You can read his accusation and then read our patient and loving response, and then – the wonderful part – is his response after reading our response – He apologized for his words and wished blessings on us!

This is another great example of how having an active Facebook presence in your community can help transform understanding and perceptions of the people living within your immediate community.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[February, 2020] A member of this branch church’s community reached out for support through one of their ads, and was responded to.

Their presence in your community is ‘gathering beneath its wings the sick and sinning.’ – S&H 55:16

This group’s Facebook presence in their community and quick and loving response is just like a 24/7 Reading Room and is transforming thought!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science in St. Louis

[January, 2020] This group yesterday received a comment from someone in their community, which was quickly responded to. The ‘thumbs-up’ at the bottom of my comments are from her! Showing her approval of the response, and – hopefully – showing forth her [now] improved impression of Christian Science.

I chose to respond to this particular question in a personal voice (‘Kimberley’) because given the type of question, it is a more loving and personal/intimate response to a question like this. Plus, in this case, I wanted to refer to personal experience, and not speak in impersonal generalities.

This group’s Facebook presence in their community and quick and loving moderation is transforming thought!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[January, 2020] A recent Follower of this church’s Facebook page Shared this post with her Friends early this (Sunday) morning along with her remarkable comment, “I believe we will go there this morning.”

Imagine how many others are feeling the same way all because of their Facebook presence in the community, and their clear outreach to the non-Scientist – the loving, patient, inspiring, and recurring posts being made daily.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Decatur, IL

[January, 2020] Members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Decatur, IL received a question from someone in their community. Read the comment below, and the response.

This is what Facebook outreach is all about!
Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science in Georgia

[January, 2020] The statewide Georgia Facebook page (we also maintain Facebook pages for each Georgia church and society – for special outreach to each church’s individual field of labor) got a lovely expression of gratitude for our posts from a Follower of our statewide page. Read the snip below. Imagine that if there’s this one – and how many others Like our posts daily and express quick gratitude (Amen!) – how many others are also reading and appreciating our daily posts and haven’t yet reached out or visited. They may someday stop by one of our GA churches.

Sometimes all it just takes is just patience, some repetition, and a bit of sweet familiarity.

Apparently, she now lives in Butte, MT. She requested to know about a CS church close to her, and you can see my response. I also emailed the two churches closest to her – FCCS, Missoula and FCCS, Bozeman to let them know to keep an eye out for her.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science in Greater St. Louis

[January, 2020] This woman reached out to the Christian Scientists through their Greater St. Louis Facebook page. She made a statement about Christ Jesus, and we alertly and lovingly responded to her, invited her to the services tomorrow night and she expressed her gratitude.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, DeLand, FL

[January, 2020] This woman reached out to the members of FCCS, DeLand asking if they were the church of scientology.  Her response (!!) is the reason why an active Facebook page in the community, along with alert and loving moderation, is so important to the Cause of Christian Science.  It’s about being present and alert in the community.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[January, 2020] A Spanish-speaking member of their local community reached out to them through their Facebook page asking a question, and received a response in Spanish.


Question:  preaching in spanish ?? What bible do you recommend? Thanks God bless you

Answer:  We don’t hold services in Spanish yet! But we do sell Bibles and Science and Health in Spanish. Come by our Reading Room at 702 W. Douglas from 11:00 am till 5:30 pm. You’ll be warmly welcomed!  God bless you!

You should also come by our Sunday service today. We have Biblical authority (as in the day of Pentecost when the Spirit made Himself known to each person in his own language! (Acts 2:1-12)

Our Sunday service today is from 10:30 – 11:30 and is held at 4501 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS.  Hope to see you there! <HUGE hug!>

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Church, Wichita

[January, 2020] A woman reached out through this Facebook page asking some hard questions about the Bible. This is another great example where we are in the immediate community available to respond to questions and correct misunderstandings.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater

[December, 2019] Clearwater, FL is the home of a major center of the church of Scientology. This woman reached out to FCCS, Clearwater expressing her clear confusion of our church with them.  See our response below and her even sweeter response!  THIS is what Facebook outreach is all about – introducing what Christian Science IS and ISN’T.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Kalamazoo

[December, 2019] This man has been Following Kalamazoo’s page for a while, and today he liked one of our posts so much that he SHARED it with HIS Facebook Friends!  And he added to the share, his comment that it was a ‘Good read ty’ (ty means thank you).  Here is yet another example of someone in their church community who is not only receiving the daily inspirational posts, but reading and engaging with them by clicking to expand to read more, and then commenting, and then sharing them!  Learning about and sharing the good news of the promised Comforter!  What an effective method of outreach!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Washington DC

[December, 2019] This woman reached out expressing thanks for a advertisement that helped her. She wrote, “I NEED THAT TODAY…”.  We responded with an invitation for her to Like 4th Church’s Facebook page and she would get inspiration from it daily.  We also invited her to the next service (Wednesday). She seemed truly grateful.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science in Greater St. Louis

[December, 2019] Someone reached out to the St. Louis group through one of the ads we’re running and asked a great question about the Christian Science theology.  It’s wonderful getting these questions, and getting the opportunity to respond right away and answer them!

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Decatur, IL

[December, 2019] A woman who lives within driving distance of the Decatur, IL church reached out through their Facebook page. The end of the conversation ended with her saying she’d try to attend an upcoming service.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Athens, GA

[November, 2019]  This relates to a Thanksgiving Banner designed by Glad Sound Outreach. A complete stranger who lives in the Athens community came to our Thanksgiving service. She said she has driven by the church lots of times in the past years and noticed the Thanksgiving banner (see image of the banner below, click to enlarge it) on the front lawn the past two years.  This banner is put up on the front lawn the first week of November each year. She wasn’t sure what she was doing on Thanksgiving, so she told herself this year she would come and see what Christian Science was all about.  Her comments after the service were filled with joy at hearing the Bible read, and all about Christ Jesus and healing.  She said she is most an ‘unaffiliated Baptist’.  She said she felt very connected with the theology she heard at our service and that we will see her again Wednesday and/or Sunday.  A few members invited her to their homes for Thanksgiving, but while she didn’t know where she would spend it, she did have a couple of offers from family and so politely turned the offer down.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science North Texas (statewide group)

[November, 2019]  Another great opportunity to answer questions from folks living within the CSNT’s immediate field of labor!

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Decatur, IL

[October, 2019] “I would thou wert cold or hot” – Revelation.  So sometimes we have to respond to the ‘hot’ as well!  🙂  This nice woman left a comment accusing CS of being a cult.  See my response.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater, FL

[October, 2019] A man today asked what Christian Science had to do with ‘science’.  Read the discussion below.

Without Facebook outreach – where a person like this man (and many below) can ask a question and get a pretty quick answer – he might have gone a lifetime not understanding or knowing about what Christian Science is – or even without a warm and personal invitation to our Wednesday and Sunday service.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Wichita, Kansas

[October, 2019]  A man in the community reached out for a Bible. The church responded, sending it out (along with printed articles of healings of muscular dystrophy) immediately.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Wichita, Kansas

[October, 2019]  A woman reached out asking for any books or magazines on Christian Science, and was invited to the services. She will go by their Reading Room to pick up a Spanish Science & Health and a Heraldo.

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science North Texas (statewide group)

[September, 2019]  Corrected a false understanding held by someone who reached out for further information about CS. He left with a whole new understanding of CS – a positive one!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science South Carolina (statewide group)

[September, 2019]  This is a great example of how GladSoundOutreach connects seekers in their own community, with church members living locally – who can personally invite them to services and lectures.  This is where the ‘rubber meets the road’!

Click on below images to enlarge.

Christian Science Georgia (statewide group)

[September, 2019] Gratitude from a man grateful for the inspiring posts.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater, FL

[August, 2019] Follow the discussion below and see the exchange with a woman living in the field of labor of the branch church in Clearwater.  This woman (a non-Scientist living within 50 miles of this branch church) reached out to us through this branch church’s Facebook ad campaign (which goes to everyone living within 50 miles of that branch church) and commented on the ad.  There is a big Scientology center in Clearwater, and she had assumed that we have relationship with the church of Scientology.  She now is another heart gently and lovingly corrected of her misunderstanding.  Another great example of how Facebook outreach is reaching into the hearts of our branch’s community and introducing the Comforter.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Clearwater, FL

[July, 2019] Follow the discussion below and see the exchange with a woman living in the field of labor of the branch church in Clearwater.  This woman (a non-Scientist living within 30 miles of this branch church) reached out to us through the message function of Facebook to inquire as to our relationship with the church of Scientology. The exchange ended in her saying she was planning on visiting her local CS church in Seminole.  Isn’t this what outreach is all about?

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Decatur, IL

[May, 2019] Follow the discussion below and see the wonderful response from a member of First Church, Decatur, Illinois. This woman (a non-Scientist living within 30 miles of this branch church) read the recent JSH article entitled, “God taught me how to love my mom” and responded with comments. And her yearning was met with a tender and sweet personal invitation – to which she responded that she will ‘see about going there.’  Isn’t this what outreach is all about?

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Kalamazoo

For their 2019 lecture on April 14th, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Kalamazoo budgeted $200 for their lecture’s Facebook ad campaign. Their campaign went to people living within 30 miles of their church.

  • They reached over 3,200 people,
  • received 42 Event Responses,
  • had one person (totally new to CS) request a ride to the lecture and 2 members arranged to pick her up,
  • had 6 people Share the lecture ad with their friends,
  • had 44 people click the ad content or header which explained the lecture topic or the church sponsoring the lecture,
  • had 2 people Comment on the ad (see image below),
  • and had 5 people RSVP that they were attending.

Click on below images to enlarge.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Rome, GA

[February, 2019] As a result of their continued Facebook activity (daily inspirational posts), FCCS, Rome has seen a visitor from their area attending their services. Written up by Belinda M. J. – a member of FCCS, Rome:

“I first heard from this young woman when she and two others “liked” the Rome Facebook page early in the year. I was led to check out her personal Facebook page and discovered she lives in Rome and found from a post on her page that she had a website selling inspirational items. Because one has the saying “There is no spot where God is not”  and another poster which listed synonyms for God, I felt a connection. From this, I discovered that she was an inter-faith minister. She also “liked” our page in February.”

“In late February, we had two visitors to our church. When I found out her name and recognized it from Facebook, it was like greeting an old friend. We were able to discuss her website and discuss the ideas which were familiar to us. She asked some questions about our service and I was able to introduce her to our other members. I’m still hoping to follow up on her visit.” – Belinda

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Athens, GA

In 2018 a young man found FCCS, Athens through Facebook and even posted this photo (see below) to show his Facebook Friends the new church he’d found. Since then he’s purchased a set of books at our Reading Room, is marking/reading his books daily, has applied for Class Instruction, has joined the church, and is now the Clerk.